2022-2023 OOW Editorial Team

Dilan Eren is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Boston University. She works at the intersection of work, occupations, and organizations by adopting a cultural sociology lens to examine topics of social inequality.

Her dissertation, “The Self-Taught Economy: Open-Access and Inclusion in the Tech Industry,” studies how aspiring developers without a computer science degree make sense and use open-access to coding skills initiatives to get jobs in tech. She adopts a longitudinal perspective and uses multiple methods (including surveys, in-depth interviews, and digital ethnography and observations) to understand how open-access coding initiatives may alter or not the existing regimes of inequalities and make tech more or less diverse. Dilan is a recipient of the 2022 American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (ASA-DDRIG) and Washington Center for Equitable Growth grantee.

Julia Dessauer is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Virginia. Her interests lie at the intersection of organizations, workplace inequality, professions, and the production of culture.